Thursday, May 21, 2009

True Birds Blog!

Wanted y'all to know that Heather and I finally started a True Birds blog. We've been wanting to do it for a while but wanted to get it to where we could create a whole community of beauty/fashion and not just have the blog be about True Birds updates and such. It will of course have updates on it as well but we have 4 contributing bloggers that are beauty editors, stylists, makeup artists and such from L.A. to N.Y. that'll share their thoughts, bargains and trendy ideas. Hope you check it out,!
Also, thank you to those in advance who link it on their blog, that is so kind and generous--thank you!!:)
One more thing--we dropped our True Birds,, pricing mega and added some new styles, we're currently loving all things neon so we added some neon flair to some feathered clips and headbands! We've been waiting to be able to drop our prices since our inception but have now been able to because of Nordstrom and other exciting things happening. Hope they stay as low as they are forever, only thing that may raise them is our stores not wanting us to list them that low:(. But know for now that they are low!! We haven't changed our pricing on Baby Birds..yet.
Thanks again everyone for your love and support, it means so much to me and to Heather!!


Ruth said...

That is so exciting!! What a fun blog! You guys are fabulous!

Natalie | Make Today Great said...

You are so awesome! You are a trooper!