Sunday, April 5, 2009

Married Men and Twirling Rings?

Quick question for all the married ladies out there. Does your husband find it amusing to twirl/play with his wedding ring? Paul is the king of twirling the ring, he twirls here, there, and everywhere! I would always get mad especially in church...trying to kick him of his habit. I guess you could say I was a little paranoid about other people seeing him playing with his ring..because I thought he was the only one out there with this strange fetish.

As it turns out many married men have this strange habit! I commented about this oddity with my good friend Ali, who is one of the most observant people I know. She informed me that even President Uchtdorf plays with his ring...yes an apostle! Today I watched General Conference and Ali's statement rang true, he was indeed playing with his ring. So, I really had no ground to get mad at my dear sweet husband for what I thought was a strange habit.

About a couple of weeks ago I witnessed another married man playing with his ring in church. We were sitting in Sunday School in the cultural hall, and all of a sudden we hear a loud clinkety...clank..clink. Yes, the man twirled... and totally lost control of it...and yes everyone noticed

I guess it pays to be more observant. Had I known earlier I could have saved myself from some pent-up frustration over such a small habit which seems to be very common...silly, silly me!


The Woodlands said...

You are too cute!! It's funny, because this used to bother me also (Matt does this ALL THE TIME!) and I had resigned myself to the fact that it was just one of "his quirks" until about a week ago when a friend of ours dropped his on the floor while we were all chatting! His wife said that he tries to flick it across his fingers and Matt then demonstrated that HE can actually do this without dropping his ring now!! I guess it really IS just in their genetic make-up :o)

kkrich said...

dave plays magic tricks with his in church with all the little kids, cuz he has A.D.D. and can't sit and listen. this is his 3rd replacement ring!

Katherine Fajen said...

Funny story. My brother in law twirls his ring constantly. One day he called my sister (who was at home) and said, "I have a surprise for you! Go look under the couch." She went and looked under the couch and there was his ring!! He had been twirling it and it flew out of his hands...and he couldn't find it. So he thought to look under the irresponsible!!! :)

Lisa and Mark said...

I notice guys doing it all the time, but Mark doesn't really. Every once in a while I'll see him playing with it, but I think for the most part his fingers are too fat to get the ring to budge. :)

*** said...

Heid, that is HILARIOUS! Tim plays with his ring all the time too, especially when he is sitting at a table in a restaurant or something. You made me laugh tonight :). Love ya...

Camille said...

Okay, Bryce TOTALLY does this! You're not alone in your drives me nuts! I've finally just given up on of those things I'll have to let go of I guess.

Ruth said...

I did not know that Pres. Uchtdorf twirls his ring! How funny! Jared plays with his every once in a while, but I had never noticed it before this post enlightened me on the habit. :)

Ruth said...

I love the new template, btw. Did you design it?

Tyson and Heather said...

haha thats funny bird! good thoughts:)

The George's said...

Heidi yes it's a habit of many. I even catch myself doing it. I have to make sure I'm not in public when doing it, because I would hate to drop it and lose my ring.

MAMA said...

I guess it is genetic because Paul's dad plays with his ring, too. He had never worn a ring before we were married, and while we were engaged he told me that he didn't really want to start wearing one. I told him that it was important to me for him to have one, and that he could choose to wear it or not. I got him a very simple gold band and he has worn it every day since. He even took it to a jeweler to have it re-sized all on his own when it needed it! Anyway, he does not take it off to play with it, but on one of our wedding pictures it is so cute because you can see him playing with the ring with his other fingers. It's hard to imagine Paul having anything in his life that he DOESN'T play with!

EmyLee McIntyre said...

Hey Heidi, this is Jason, and I have to admit that I played (yeah past tense) with my ring, until I lost is about a month ago! Yup, I was playing with it in class, and I guess I set it on my desk/table, and an hour or two later I was freaking out. I went back and couldn't find, so I'm "ringless" until we can afford to get another one! haha, so hopefully I learned my lesson!

olderockhouse said...

Chad still does this after 24 years! When first married we were in the Tanner Business building at the Y and he was spinning away. Pretty soon, clackety clack, it bounced all the way down the stadium seats to where the teacher was. So embarrassing for him. So funny for me! He is on his third ring too. =)

And CONGRATS on True Birds! That is so incredible for you both!

The Andrews said...

thanks for all of your delightful comments everyone. It was fun to hear all the ring stories!