Saturday, March 22, 2008


I have become a part of the Twilight craze! I love books that help you escape reality and jump into fantasy. Sometimes you just need a break from everyday life! This book is unique and super creative! It takes an impressable twist on vampires. When I first heard this book was about vampires I hesitated. I thought it would be the typical vampire book, where a drop-dead gorgeous man who lives in a dungeon comes and preys at night for a beautiful woman just happening to take a late night stroll who easily gets seducted by the heartless, bloot-thirsty creature who bites in and finishes her off. When I read the synopsis of book I became intrigued by the simply brilliant plot Stephanie Meyer created! I will briefly explain the plot. Bella Swan is just the average girl who happens to abruptly move in with her father whom she barely knows, she meets Edward who is ravishing, intelligent, never ages and just happens to be a vampire. Some of his strenghts include; running as fast as a mountain lion, impeccable strength and capturing the heart of Bella Swan. Edward lives with a family of vampires who control their natural instincts of killing humans by feeding off of animals in the forest. The vampires live an ordinary life, the dad is a doctor, and Edward and his siblings attend school like any other young-looking teenager. Edward and Bella end up getting caught up in an unorthodox romance where passion is severely present, to the point where Bella's scent becomes very difficult for Edward to abstain from. This novel is so gripping and keeps me on the edge of my seat for the entirety of the novel! I am already on the third and final book of the series and I don't want it to end! I would recommend this book to anyone, dive into fantasy!


Tyson and Heather said...

the pictures are really cool! Congrats on a successful trip Paul.

kkrich said...

welceom to having no life until you have finished all of them, and then waiting in anticipation for the 4th one this fall, and then movie in December. crazy! such a fun read.

The Andrews said...

Wait there is a fourth! I had no idea, I am super excited, we should go see the movie together!

brooke said...

So I fully plan on reading all of these. My mom and a billion other people keep telling me to read them. And so I shall...but first I have to finish my current book. Thanks for the further recommendation Heidi!

Tyson and Heather said...

love i just gotta set my tush down to finish the first one...mulit-tasking personality does not work with a book club wannabe!!

kkrich said...


H and E said...

Heidi I was hesitant to jump on the Twilight bandwagon as well and i agree with you I love them. That mix of reality of reality and fantasy is a winner!

Jessica Potter said...

Heid, you probably already know that I loved them. Sand and I read them about the same time and I think both finished them in like a week. They are great! I have a huge crush on Edward, although the actor playing him in the movie looks nothing like my Edward. :)
Hope you and Paul had a great Easter. Love ya!

Sarah said...

I am glad you are part of the craze! It only gets better and the 4th book comes out this August, you can pre-order it online. Its so good to see how your doing, this blogging thing is Great!

Angie Orison said...

I love the pictures of Germany, I can't wait to have money someday (hopefully)so Ky and I can travel a bit. I have heard a lot about twilight, but I haven't gotten to them yet. I definetly will have to read them!!

The Woodlands said...

It was great to meet you and catch-up at the game too!
I am a fellow Twilight addict...I actually am only halfway through Twilight but it's a bit ridiculous that I have become this attatched to a Vampire...and shout-out to Kari who has increased my excitement to read the two i have left, and then wait with bated breath for the fourth!!! Woo HOO!!
You, me, the boys and a DOUBLES tennis match soon!

Christy said...

I am so a twilight fan... makes me wich that James was a vampire:) When you're down with those you should check out the author Shannon Hale, she's my favorite!

The Andrews said...

I am glad you share the same feelings on Twilight, I will definitely look up Shannon Hale next, I am a book addict!