Sunday, April 5, 2009

Married Men and Twirling Rings?

Quick question for all the married ladies out there. Does your husband find it amusing to twirl/play with his wedding ring? Paul is the king of twirling the ring, he twirls here, there, and everywhere! I would always get mad especially in church...trying to kick him of his habit. I guess you could say I was a little paranoid about other people seeing him playing with his ring..because I thought he was the only one out there with this strange fetish.

As it turns out many married men have this strange habit! I commented about this oddity with my good friend Ali, who is one of the most observant people I know. She informed me that even President Uchtdorf plays with his ring...yes an apostle! Today I watched General Conference and Ali's statement rang true, he was indeed playing with his ring. So, I really had no ground to get mad at my dear sweet husband for what I thought was a strange habit.

About a couple of weeks ago I witnessed another married man playing with his ring in church. We were sitting in Sunday School in the cultural hall, and all of a sudden we hear a loud clinkety...clank..clink. Yes, the man twirled... and totally lost control of it...and yes everyone noticed

I guess it pays to be more observant. Had I known earlier I could have saved myself from some pent-up frustration over such a small habit which seems to be very common...silly, silly me!